Congratulations on your decision to add a feline member to your family! Now you are faced with your next decision – do I want a kitten or a cat? (Technically, kittens remain kittens for their first 6 months of life, but for the sake of this article, since kittens retain their high energy level and […]
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7 Things All Cat Owner’s Need To Know
HERE ARE THE TOP 7 THINGS ALL CAT OWNERS NEED TO KNOW TO GIVE THEIR CAT A LONG & HAPPY LIFE! 1) Cats Need Wet Food Now, For Fewer Problems Later: The #1 cause of death in cats 5 years and older is DEHYDRATION-related illnesses, which lead to painful and sometimes fatal urinary tract infections, […]
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DEHYDRATION -RELATED ILLNESSES ARE THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN CATS Learn Why Wet Food Is Vital To Your Cat’s Health Our Story: This article will outline one of the most important things you can do to help guarantee a long and healthy life for your cat and explain why I’m so passionate on the […]
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People who own pets live longer, have less stress, and have fewer heart attacks. The more cats are spoken to, the more they will speak to you. Cats love high places. They share this love with leopards and jaguars, which sleep in trees. A cat eats grass as it helps in digestion and also gets […]
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